Author's Bio
Kanika is a versatile researcher, blogger, and author, delving into the world of tech blogs covering Telecommunications and Cyber Security. With a solid engineering background, she turns intricate tech jargons into relatable, real-life stories. Her writing isn't just about words; it's a fusion of detail, intrigue, and relevance to the audience, reflecting her passion for writing and design. Beyond her work, Kanika finds joy in painting, and exploring new places while traveling.

How Much Does a Phone Line Cost for a Business? Explained

how much does a phone line cost

Whether you are a startup, a growing enterprise, or a well-established organization, having a robust and reliable business phone line is crucial for effective communication. However, the costs involved in setting up a high-end phone line become a concern, especially for small businesses. If you are also clueless about exactly how much a phone line […]

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Top 7 VoIP Conference Phones for Productive Meetings in 2024

Remote and hybrid work models are increasingly becoming common. Businesses can’t help but deploy tools and technologies to support these newest working norms. Traditional conference calls, often interrupted by poor audio quality and background noise, are simply no longer sufficient. It’s time businesses should switch to newer alternatives, such as VoIP conference phones. These phones […]

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Contact Center Management: Best Practices, Metrics & Tips

contact center management

Do you often feel that your contact center is overwhelmed with ringing phones, frustrated customers, and agent turnover? Juggling with hundreds of agents, fluctuating contact center metrics, outdated tools, and forecasts can leave the most seasoned managers feeling worrisome. This article is your guide to some practical contact center management strategies that are simple to […]

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The 15 Best Virtual Phone Systems for Small Businesses in 2024

best virtual phone system for small business

Today, the marketplace is fiercely competitive and customer experience is everything. Statistics reveal that 65% of customers have switched brands after a single negative phone experience. For small businesses, this could mean lost leads, frustrated customers, tarnished reputation, and ultimately, loss in revenue. But there’s a solution – a virtual phone system for small businesses. […]

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VoIP Troubleshooting: 13 Common VoIP Problems and Solutions

voip troubleshooting

VoIP technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. However, like every other technology, VoIP comes with its challenges. Choppy calls, dropped connections and one-sided conversations are common issues with VoIP. According to a survey, 51% of respondents stated that audio issues are the biggest problem during virtual meetings. These glitches can not only disrupt workflows […]

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What is Business Communication? Importance & Best Practices

what is business communication

Have you ever walked out of a meeting confused or felt that the product team failed to communicate the features and benefits of a newly launched product to the sales team? You’re not alone. Studies show that poor communication costs businesses thousands of dollars a year. Also, a whopping 92% of business professionals believe effective […]

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What is an Outbound Call? Key Benefits & Strategies Explained

what is an outbound call

What is an outbound call? Well, we’ve all been there – phone rings, an over-friendly voice on the other end pushing a new service you don’t need. That’s an outbound call in action and no wonder, you hang up immediately in frustration. But here’s the thing: outbound calls can be incredibly valuable for businesses when […]

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Contact Center Automation: Types, Benefits & Best Practices

Contact Center Automation

Imagine you have had a smooth-running contact center for so long. But in the past few months, something’s been up. You’ve noticed a dip in both agent productivity and customer satisfaction and the trend isn’t looking good. There are longer hold times and frustrated agents. Digging deeper, you found that repetitive queries are bogging down […]

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What is Call Queuing? Types, Benefits, SetUp & Best Tips

While profit is essential, what is the deeper purpose that drives business? It’s surely creating a loyal base of happy and satisfied customers. There are many tools and techniques that can help improve customer service. Call queuing technology is a popular option for businesses looking to streamline their callers’ phone interaction experience. While 60% of […]

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What is a Conference Bridge? Features, Benefits, Top Vendors

conference bridge

Did you know that “78% of corporate companies use video calling software for team meetings?” Zoom, a frontrunner in the realm of corporate communication, recorded an astonishing 300+ million meeting participants per day in 2020 (source: Business of Apps), showcasing the immense reliance on and adoption of such platforms for seamless collaboration. These statistics reveal […]

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